The book is result of study report on છMainstream Provincial Inconsistency of Human Development in Gujaratઝ by Dr. Kalpana Satija and Dr. Mohan Patel. The major contributions of report includes Human Development outcomes of ૨૫ districts of Gujarat state in various sector like Education, Health, Employment, Rural Development and basic amenities. The most impressive part is its emphasis on social and gender justice. This book covers eight chapters; an excellent example of good research methodology and presentation of findings. Contrary to general impression this particular study shows that from ૨૦૦૪ to ૨૦૧૪ Human Development status of Gujarat State has improved in all sectors except Health. Clearly presented tables, details of case studies, diagrams make the report attractive, informative and useful.
(Dr. Kalpana Satija and Dr. Mohan Patel) (Original Price:200 rs. Discounted Price:100 rs.)