About Course:
The MSW-Human Resource is an appropriate degree for students who are interested inadvancing their careers in human resources. This program is highly focused, covering topicssuch as wage and salary administration,employment strategies, new approaches to workerinvolvement and strategic human resource management. As a result, it prepares students forsuccess as human resource professionals in a variety of sectors including private industry,government, education and healthcare.
MSW-HR is one of the management courses that can be pursued by any candidates after aninitial graduation under any stream. This is a postgraduate degree course and the duration isaround 2 years.MSW-HR Program is designed to offer good knowledge on management education to theaspirants and both theoretical and practical knowledge to the students.Real insight into thebusiness world and understanding of the work-related culture help the students in using theskills while working for a leading company.It will further open new doors of thriving careeropportunities.The post graduates can get an understanding of the real business skills that are needed whileworking in leading organizations.There are wider job opportunities that can be explored postcompleting the course. Students can start their own business which is a dream for manymanagement professionals.
The demand for the MSW-HR post graduates is increasing day by day and all the leadingcompanies look for the qualified professionals that can take the managerial jobs more dedicatedly. Therefore, the course is definitely a lucrative option that offers huge growth andnumerous opportunities and candidates can expect a great career ahead.

Moin-ul-Atiq H. Malek
Assistant Professor
Amit Patel
Assistant Professor
Ashvinkumar Patel
Assistant Professor
Maulin R Thakor
Assistant Professor